by Anne Carroll | Feb 22, 2022 | Guest
Feed my ego? Have people see my talent? Make bank? Share my inner world with the outer world? Uh-huh…Right. I have been writing since high school, and in the last ten years I have published, yes, self-published, six books. A glutton for punishment, you say? You are Anne Carroll | Feb 18, 2022 | Public
The XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing went full force, with hours of coverage and recaps continually running on multiple media outlets. And what an intense and surprising showcase it was!! Individuals and teams fighting hard and eagerly racking up medal counts. Anne Carroll | Oct 15, 2020 | Public
Making the commitment to writing a book is very similar to dedicating yourself to a workout routine. Whether you want to write a book or you want to get in shape and be healthy, both efforts benefit from a phased approach and plan to achieve a goal. Writing a Anne Carroll | Aug 15, 2020 | Public
Making that commitment publicly will accomplish a few things. It will motivate you to commit to writing the book. You will be more likely to finish the book. It will create buzz and anticipation for the book. Once the book is available, you will have an initial Anne Carroll | Jun 15, 2020 | Public
So you wrote a book! Take a moment and revel in the realization that you are successful at the multi-stepped process of dreaming up a compelling book idea, planning it out, committing to writing the first draft, sending it out for edits and peer reviews, designing a...