Writers’ Connection

Featured Authors

Unique and inspirational publishing stories to share.

Brad Richard

Brad Richard is the Author of the book “Man at 50 – A Journey of Crisis, Revelation and Survival!” His speaking, mentoring and coaching is focused on helping people move forward with their lives through his unique system of going back to move forward! He currently lives in East Texas with his wife. He is a full time security officer, Realtor® and Host of the Podcast “Man at 50!” His goals are simple: help at least one person and leave his story behind for others to learn, benefit and grow by!

Tell me about your latest book and what inspired you to write/create it?

Man at 50 – A Journey of Crisis, Revelation and Survival is my Autobiography, my story of a life filled with fear, sexual identity questions and codependency. I lived a life of a child for the 1st 50 years of my life. My life changed dramatically after I decided my life had to change and the time had come for me to step up to Manhood!

Share your personal publishing story. Did you choose self or traditional? How did you go from book manuscript draft to finished book available for purchase?

I self published my 1st book with the help of Outskirts Press. I submitted my manuscript to them and they walked me thru the process to bring it to market. It is available for purchase on my website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and thru bookstores everywhere.

Describe your writing routine. How many hours a day/days a week do you write?

When I was writing, about 10 hours a week in between working full time. I wrote on my days off, but did not have a set writing schedule.

How do you name your characters (if fiction or names changed for nonfiction)?

I named my character Robert in my book. I gave all other people involved in my life fictitious names and I used a pen name – S. Richard.

How many unpublished or unfinished books have you written and set aside? What are your plans for them?

I have a co-authored book coming out in the Fall of 2020 & I have a manuscript started for my second book, which will be a self help book, hopefully published end of 2020 or early 2021.

How do you go about obtaining book reviews? Do you read them? How do you deal with the good and the bad ones?

Mostly through Twitter & LinkedIn, also through interviews I have given on Podcasts and Radio Shows. I have reviews from Goodreads and from other Authors. Good ones help me stay focused on my mission and so far I have not had any bad ones!

Do you prefer reading print, audio or ebooks? Why?

Audio! So many things to do with my business, full time job, family and life’s challenges, audio is the best way for me to learn and grow from the words of others.

Who is your favorite author, book? The last book you read?

I have so many, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins and my friend Corey Poirier, author of the book: The Book of Why & How!

There are many trends in self publishing that have come and gone. What do you think is going to change next in the self or traditional publishing landscape?

I believe that audio/video and online content will explode over the next few years and that people will be consuming content like air, personal growth will expand & learning will become second nature. People crave other people’s stories, they want to hear more, do more and learn more than ever before.

What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Just empty your mind, heart and soul onto paper, clean it up later and do not let anyone tell you your story isn’t good enough, we all have a story in us! The Saddest Story, Is the One Never Told! Don’t keep it inside, share and know this, there will always be someone who will gain, benefit or be touched by your words, don’t let them down!