Finding motivation as a writer can be challenging when you also have a full-time job and household duties to manage. Even when the ideas are coming smoothly, it’s not always easy to sit down and get the words to flow, especially on those days when you have a lot on your mind. There are some things you can do to make writing a little easier, however, such as giving yourself a great workspace and knowing when you need a break. You can also practice self-care tactics that will help you relax and get into the right mindset for being creative or doing research, as well as seek out support and resources. Writers’ Connection is a great place to start connecting with other creatives.
Try these strategies for finding–and holding onto–motivation as a writer:
Listen to your body
Practicing self-care is a major component of remaining creative and inspired because it allows you to remove several potential roadblocks. If you’re hungry, dehydrated, tired, uncomfortable, or stressed, it will be extremely difficult to get into the right mindset for writing once you’re able to sit down and give your time to it. You can prevent those issues from popping up by making healthy choices, such as:
- taking breaks during your work hours
- getting outside for a little fresh air and sunshine during your lunch hour
- eating well
- finding quiet moments for reflection and relaxation each day
You might also learn to meditate, practice yoga at your desk, or start a creative journal that will also help you keep story notes handy.
Set goals
Once you’ve taken care of yourself, you can start focusing on a few goals. Think about where you’d like to be in your writing career within the next couple of years and do some research on local author events and online marketplaces that will allow you to share your work and search for open calls. Creating a profile on a writing site like Writers’ Connection is a great way to boost your motivation because it allows you to put your achievements together even as you’re still working on them.
Give yourself a workspace that works
After setting a few goals, take a look at your workspace and assess how well it’s working for you. We can’t all have an enormous office with a fireplace and built-in bookshelves, but it is possible to freshen up your space and create a comfortable, inspiring area to get creative. Take a look online to get some ideas, then think about how to make it work in your budget. Don’t be afraid to get crafty and head to thrift stores to achieve your vision. If you have a small space to work with, look for ways to give yourself a writing area that’s just yours, such as setting up in the space beneath the stairs or utilizing a desk that’s specifically made for small areas. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but giving yourself a dedicated writing space can help you stay focused and motivated. Work from home? Separate your work area from the creative one to keep stress at bay.
Set a routine
Even with a dedicated workspace, it can be challenging to find the energy or motivation to write every day when you’re working full-time. However, it might be helpful to create a routine or schedule that will allow you to work on your project regularly. Even if you only write for 20 or 30 minutes per day, you’ll still make progress while feeling a sense of accomplishment. Don’t feel pressured to make it perfect as you go; instead, give yourself permission to write what comes easily and go back later for edits and additions.
Staying motivated as a writer can be tough when you’re dealing with stress, long work hours, and family responsibilities. The key is to remember why you’re doing it: because it brings you happiness. Finding joy in your writing is essential if you want to keep going.
Photo via Pexels